Monday, June 9, 2008

Managing your Time

Hello everyone,

Today we had a nice time about redeeming the time.

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. - Eph 5:16

Bible very clearly points us to redeem the time and use it properly because the days are evil.

We need to be careful about how we use the time we have at hand. Yesterday is not ours, its gone, tomorrow is not ours, we do not know about it, but definitely today is ours. We have to utilize it to our best.

We have the image here which says that we should eliminate all the activities which are not important and not urgent. Read this image carefully and understand what it says.
Lets concentrate on Col 4:6 also as we learn more about Time Management.
Ok everyone,
I will keep you posted on the latest happenings.
